Song list processors
Song lists can be uploaded as Excel spreadsheets via the settings page.
Three upload formatters are included to accept data in various formats:
- The Simple Karaoke formatter expects Song, Band, and Duration (in minutes:seconds) in columns A, B and C, with one header row.
- The two RCL formatters are custom for Rock Club London, and load spreadsheets with a different column layout containing
varying instrument lists for each song as well as source & platform data.
- The RCL multi-instrument formatter loads full instrument data for Rock Band games
- The RCL Karaoke formatter uses the same file format but loads as vocals only
Custom formatters
To handle other file formats, create a new class implementing \Phase\TakeATicket\SongLoader\RowMapperInterface
and register the classname in app/config/parameters.yml
under song_loader_row_formatters
- \Phase\TakeATicket\SongLoader\RclKaraokeRowMapper
- \Phase\TakeATicket\SongLoader\RclRockBandRowMapper
- \Phase\TakeATicket\SongLoader\SimpleKaraokeRowMapper
Don’t forget to clear symfony’s cache after changing this list:
php bin/console cache:clear --env=dev --no-debug
php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod --no-debug
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