1) Create database
The software can run with either a MySQL or sqlite database.
If using MySQL, the utf8mb4
character set should be used
CREATE DATABASE `takeaticket` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
You will also need a user with CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
usage on this table
2a) Install with Ant
An apache ant script will attempt to install and configure the software:
ant build-current # for production use OR
ant build-current-dev # for development use
2b) Or install manually
Check the contents of the Dockerfile for the steps needed. You need to start with
composer install
npm install
and you may need to follow the Symfony install guide linked below.
3) Populating the database
Populate application tables:
sqlite3 var/db/app.sqlite < sql/db-sqlite.sql # for sqlite OR
mysql -u[USER] -p[PASSWORD] -D[DATABASE] < sql/db-mysql.sql # for mysql
Populate user & login tables
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force # any platform
Create admin user
php bin/console fos:user:create admin admin@localhost admin --super-admin
4) Configure and run web server
For development or limited-scope use you can use Symfony’s internal PHP server:
php bin/console -e=prod server:run # for standard use
php bin/console -e=dev server:run # for development use
To run under an external web server such as Apache or NGINX, consult the Symfony documentation
Further help
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