Running on a server for public view

Geographic visualisation tool for bat recordings with GAUNO data, eg from Wildlife Acoustics

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Running on a server for public view


Installation has only been tested on Linux servers. If you want to run this under IIS, you’re on your own.

  • Firstly, you’ll need Python 3.6+, plus pipenv. You’ll also need npm to build the frontend code

  • All the clever subsampling and spectrogram generation is done by SoX, which will need to be installed on your server

  • Make sure you’ve got a mapbox token from

  • Download the ASM database (either the whole thing, or just the bats) in CSV format from

  • You won’t need Docker for a production deploy; it can run under most webservers

  • Sqlite can be used for a small install, but if you want to use MySQL, create the database as UTF8

First installation

Clone the code

git clone

(or download a release build)

Configure the settings

cp batbox/ batbox/

Make sure you set the mapbox token, update the secret, and add your production web hostname to ALLOWED_HOSTS

Create a python environment

make pipenv

Configure the webserver

This bit’s not simple. Python WSGI apps can run under various servers - consult the documentation for your own server. This is a Django 2.2 site, so you can also check their deployment guide

If you just want a working Apache2 config file, take a look at batbox.conf and adapt to your needs.

Build the code

(for subsequent code updates, after you’re updated the source, restart from here)

Activate the virtualenv

source venv/bin/activate

Draw the rest of the owl Run the provided setup script

make rebuild

This performs npm and python dependency installs, migrates the database, and moves various files to where they’re needed

Command-line setup

If you’re using a sqlite database, it will be in the data directory by default. You’ll need to ensure that both the directory and database files (once created) are writable by both the web user and command-line user.

Before making the site public, you’ll want to import some data.

Your audio files will need to live inside the project in webroot/media/sessions, so that they can be served alongside the site

Once these are in place, import them (make sure the virtualenv is activated) with ./ importaudiofile -r webroot/media/sessions

If you’ve got any KML auxiliary files (Wildlife Acoustics recorders produce these, but they’re not usually essential), you can store them alongside the audio and import them with ./ importkmlfile -r webroot/media/sessions after the audio files

You can also import species names from the ASM database with ./ importspecieslist PATH/TO/asm-species.csv. It doesn’t matter when you do this.

Finally, you’ll probably want to create an admin user with ./ createsuperuser

Restart the web server

This depends on your system; it’s necessary because the WSGI app won’t usually re-read changed files between restarts, unlike other interfaces such as FCGI.


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